Who Does the PHX Fund Benefit?

As we plan for our next fundraising event, it is important to share how The PHX Fund for Adapted Technology is used to benefit youth with disabilities in the community.  After our fundraiser in May, teachers at several schools are given a portion of the funds raised from the event. All of the funds raised are divided equally to the selected schools.   They then submit a wishlist of items that they believe will benefit their students in the classroom.  We are very thankful for this direct relationship because we get to see immediately how these resources are impacting the daily lives of students.  The items purchased stay with the classrooms so that new students each year have these resources to use.  This ensures the most number of youth benefit from the access to adapted tools and technology.  We hope to continue this relationship for many years and love to hear the stories of how students are succeeding in the classroom with the addition of these items.


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